Concept & Structure
What separates Airchamber from the crowd? The user-friendly, durable construction that eliminates any need for unneccessary contact with your car.
Combine this with our ultra-efficient fan filtration system and accessibility to your vehicle from both driver and passenger sides, you'll never trust anything else to protect your vehicle.

Conveniently Drive In & Out
Full height drive in entry door panel and side door panels on both sides for right and left hand drive cars, allow easy access without deflating the Airchamber and maintaining it's full height throughout with ceiling support rods.
Airchamber converts any garage, shed, barn or warehouse into the perfect environment for a clean, dry and dust free storage facility for your vehicle.
3-D Rigid Frame
The Airchamber's unique 3-D rigid frame ensures maximum internal space and allows instant access.
It's super lightweight construction means your Airchamber can be repositioned when erected, and it can be erected by just 1 person, without the need for any tools.